Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Health in my home.

Emma is sick. I am starting to wonder what I'm doing to my family. Accept for last week, someone has been sick since the middle of December. She has a fever and is coughing. I have had my children secluded from other people for the most part, due to the fact that they have been sick and I don't want them to catch anything else.

There is a lot of work to be done here in the Wiebe home. There is a coop to clean and a home to organize and children to teach and most importantly, hold and nourish and enrich.

Have I even mentioned that I LOVE blogging. My mind if full of ideas. But my time is very limited. Right now I am sitting at a very messy desk. Something that has needed to be addressed for quite some time now. Next to the messy desk is a messy table and a half organized school room. I very badly need to go to town but I cannot drag Emma around and I cannot ask anyone to come watch her as they may get sick.

But I am not panicked. I have peace in my heart and I know that it is because I am surrounded by a loving God who sees my faults and gently leads me away from them. To work hard and care for my family... even when they are eating icing sugar from the bag.

Still I covet your prayers. This has been a hard time in our home. We have had a lot of good days of snuggling and watching movies, but not enough days to reading and science. I need to complete a portfolio in the next two weeks and I am not looking forward to it after this last stretch of sickness. I'm afraid it will be sparse, I'm afraid they are always sparse. This is the season of "littles". I can see it coming to an end as my son learns to do laundry and sweep floors. There is a light coming in the tunnel and I am praising God for his faithfulness!

Also I have a special project that I have been working on, slowly. It will be some time before it is all up and running but I'll just say this. My very small home business is about to face a very large shift. I am very excited and ask that you would bathe this in prayer as I seek to minister where God has planted me. Oh I guess I should talk to Mr. SuperFantastic about it before I announce it. Funny how we overlook these things ;)

Well I know it wasn't very exciting, but it's where we're at. I hope that you are fairing better than we are wherever you are!

I have posted a scripture below that is speaking into my life today.


Gwen said...

You are in my prayers!

Email me if you need me to pick something up for you from town, btw. I know what it's like to be out of milk, eggs and butter, but stuck at home with sickness. We are nearly always done school by lunchtime, and I am available to help! Just email or phone. :)

starla said...

Great post! i'm super excited for you business venture! oh and thanks for letting Mr. SuperFantasic work his magic on our house too! Can't wait for the laundry room to be done!!!