Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where did blue eyes come from?

This article shares the discovery that everyone who has blue eyes has one common ancestor.

"People with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor, according to new research.

A team of scientists has tracked down a genetic mutation that leads to blue eyes. The mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago, so before then, there were no blue eyes. "

6000 years ago hey... well guess what, according to the bible (which is happen to believe is the infallible word of God) the world is right around 6000 years old! And maybe the reason that there were no blue eyes before then is because there were no eyes at all!!! It is very interesting to know that we got our blue eyes from one original person.

This article is based on evolution but it sure is neat to see another confimation of the fact that God created Adam and Eve first and we all came from there!

My only question is, which one had the blue eyes?


Jenny said...

Your daughter has beautiful eyes!

joni said...

huh.. in high school we were taught that each parent had to have a 'blue eyed gene' to produce a child with blue eyes.

they both carry the gene or it goes to the gene runner up. ha

ps i guess they (Adam & Ev) both had it.

Tamara said...

I think it was Eve who had the blue eyes. Adam had to be tall, -dark- and handsome!

Jenny said...

In my heart of all hearts, I believe that Eve was a brown eyed gal and Adam had the piercing blue eyes!

Anonymous said...

how do we know if they were white lol, they could be black, chinese or indian for all we know

Anonymous said...

You people are idiots if you think the world is only 6000 years old thats being an idiot and ignorant... plus no way everyone came from 2 people.. that means there children had to have children with each other...

Anonymous said...

The Bible never said the world started 6000 years ago. Get ur facts straight before you start talking alot of b/s. Obviously you have noo clue what you are talking about.