Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Preparing the battle lines.

So this is what my yard looks like right now. All the grey there is water. The scary thing is that about 15 minutes ago the puddle was about five feet behind the tree. It's moving in fast.

Dalen and Shane went to check out the culvert over at the trailer court (it's supposed to be draining this water into the rive) and from what they can see it looks like the middle is colapsed some. So hubby is home for now, town is flooding too, Dalen's co worker, Linda (whome we absolutely love) is flooding, again.

Please pray for us. I will try to keep you updated as things progress. So far Dalen is not worried, he's pretty sure that with our dry well sealed up it shouldn't be a problem. I on the other had am ready to wage a war with the water. I've got my pants on and I'm going to start the organization of clearing the basement again. Thankfully it's all just in one room now.

A picture of the ground by our back door, just for reference for later.

The extremely large puddle in the background there is our neighbors yard. There are a bunch of houses in a compound there and I think they've started leaving again. Last time one of the families lost all of the decorations for their son's wedding, including enough laminate to make a dance floor for the reception. Please pray for us all.. also Shane and Laura's neighbor, Bert, his property is the lowest of all of ours and so he's really at risk.

Thanks all!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Wow! I've been thinking about you and Char today...this rain is insane!! I pray that your house is able to keep the water out. It must be so frustrating!

Forecast calls for partly sunny skies for the next couple of days...hopefully thats true.

If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask! Good luck!