We are looking for an adult female cat that is already spayed, good with kids and other animals, and house trained. We have a mouse problem :( It has to be short haired as Dalen and Adon have allergies.
We're also looking for a female puppy that will grow into a med/large dog. No pitbulls or the like. I would prefer a mutt as that's what we can afford.
If you have either of these or know of anyone who does please let me know!
Thank you!
A manx would be better for your allergies. We got ours at the Terrace pound 6yrs ago. Never bothered my allergies!
Hi , hope you find a suitable kitty, and that it turns out a good mouser. Mices are ewwwyyyy
I had some cats who shed, it helps to brush them with a very slightly damp animal brush. If kitty doesn't like the brush, rub some catnip on it and she'll like it! lol I did this with a couple of kitties.
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