Well it would seem I'm getting up much earlier than I planned this morning. Sometimes it's better to just get up and eat and get started on my day than it is to lay in bed and battle my mind and its imginings.
Since today is the 5th of the month I decided to read the 5th Psalm. Usually I go for the proverbs but it was not so today. Here is what I was greeted with.
Psalm 5:1-3 "Give ear to my words, O Lord,
consider my sighing.
Listen to my cry for help,
my king and my God,
for to you I pray.
In the morning, O Lord,
you hear my voice;
in the morning
I lay my requests
before you
and wait in expectation."
HA! Three guesses what my request has been? First two guesses don't count ;)
I am resting in my God and the knowledge that he knows what my body and my baby need. But there is still a part of me that is requesting (request may be too mild of a word) in me that is saying "PLEASE let me have this baby soon! PLEASE!"
But then I manage to calm down and remember that he knows my heart. I'm so thankful to read this Psalm today as it gives me reassurance that it's okay to bring God my doubting pleas. He wants what is real from us. David was notorious for this, often cursing his enemies and calling them to destruction, or crying out in frustration to God asking why He was doing what He was doing. Even with his doubting and anxiousness David was called a friend of God. Who are your greatest friends? Mine are the ones who are honest and real with me and who I know will always tell me the truth and hold me accountable.
Oh and in other news... we picked a name! But of course in Dalen fashion I have been forbidden to tell what it is.
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