Saturday, February 16, 2008

Newborn Comparison.

Praise God that I have FOUR yes!!! FOUR newborns to compare to eachother. I am so thankful for my healthy wonderful children and I am SO thankful for the amazing birth that I had with Joe. I always said (jokingly) that if the Lord wants us to have many children he should make it easier every time. Well he has done accordingly! Anyway here they are for your viewing pleasure... my babies

Here's Adon and up until now I didn't realize how much he and Baby Joe look alike. I guess Adon's birth isn't as fresh in my mind.

Here is my Emma girl... too crazy, doesn't look a thing like her now! Pretty much all of Emma's newborn stuff is on video so this is one of the newest pictures I have of her, she would have only been a few days. She looks the most similar to Joe. Her nose and eyes are a little different but the lips and chin were cast from the same mold for sure!

Here's the Ephrim boy! He and Joe deffinately share the grimacing brow! Joe is not nearly as chubby looking. Ephrim and Emma had chubbier faces. Adon and Baby Joe are both long and lean looking. I also don't remember Ephrim having so much hair but he and Joe have the same little hairdo!
And here's another look at Baby Joseph. Does anyone else out there have a hard time calling your baby by their name. I dont' know what it is, it takes a while for the name to grow on me. He is very wide eyed when he's awake and is already focusing on people's faces. He LOVES to watch his Daddy. I'll try to post soon about all the funny things that have been going on here...


J.G. said...

OK I had such a huge problem calling Jonah by his name. Literally EVERY time I went to say his name I called him Ephrim of all names! I couldnt figure it out but thats what Id say every time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats again. You are so blessed to have four beautiful children!! :) God truly is good! :) Oh and the name thing I sometimes call Jeffery Logan or the other way around. Sometimes I can Jeffery (who's 6 now) Jeremy which is my brother's name and I', not in the habit of saying Jeremy since I never see him. Crazy! :)

starla said...

wow, he really looks like adon's baby pictures! even more than emma's i think now. I actually had trouble calling feeling comfortable with Lily's name for almost a month. It took that long for it to feel normal and right.

Christina.B said...