Just a quick update to let everyone know that all is well. We did a fetal strip yesterday and baby Buster (I almost called him Ephrim) is great. I found out yesterday that my doctor will only let me go one week over my due date, so please please please pray that this little guy will make his appearance sooner than the others or that the Lord will change the doctors hearts. Obviously I want God's will, but I'm really hoping that his will is for another VBAC.
I'm also kind of excited because when I was in the hospital for the fetal strip Sherry the nurse was telling me that in the big (good) delivery room they have a new EFM machine (electric fetal monitor) that is cordless and can go in the bath. This is really exciting because I have to be on the EFM 100% of the time I'm laboring at the hospital. Now the question is, will I like their bath? I'm a little spoiled bath wise.
Anyway I have a lot to get ready for today. God Bless you in your day!
Glad everything is good. Praying you get the "good" room!! :)
Awesome news!
I was so glad to see your update as I have been praying often for you since I read the 5:45 am post.
I hope you get the "good" room when you go in! That would be great not to have to be confined to a bed although I found their bath absolutely horrible while labouring, hopefully you will like it! God bless!
HAHA Char. I doubt I'll like their tub either but water always helps my contractions feel not so intense so I may just suffer in the tub. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to stay home for the majority of my labor. The longer I'm at the hospital the more likely it is they'll want to intervene and do a c-section. If I go in when I'm a lot further along then my chances are better. Thanks for the prayers
I just used the bath in the big room in April ... it's GREAT! I was in there for more of my labor. And the cordless fetal monitor is awesome. I hope you get your wish of another VBAC, that would be awesome for you.
Thanks Jen! Good to hear that the tub is good in there!
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