Okay my bosch came. It's a great thing. Just like I figured it would be, it was kind of anti climactic. I was so hyped up about it and then when it came it was great but I knew that it would be. I've been making very yummy delicous bread that we all love (accept for Dalen ;)
It was our seven year anniversary yesterday. Not a lot of years by some standards but it's always amazing to look back and see what (and who) has happened during those years. I love my husband so much and I am SO thankful that he is mine!
The kids and I all have colds which isn't great but it's okay.
Ephrim burned himself on the wood stove about a week ago. He's fine but it took us a while to figure out what had happened because he's not the best communicator so the burn ended up being a lot worse than it would have been if we had managed to get cold water on it right away. Then Emma burned her's on the wood stove. Her's wasn't anywhere close to as bad and by morning she felt fine.
I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow. CRAZY! Do we have a name yet? Nope, I think we'll just hash it out in the hospital. So for now, Buster it is. I looked the name up and found out what it means. Suprisingly it means "One who breaks things" yeah, go figure, it couldn't be some amazingly noble spiritual meaning. I figure it doesn't matter so much what we name him anyway, everybody's just going to call him Buster anyway!
How your baby's growing:By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Well that's about it for today. I need to get all my Christmas cards done and sent out and I have a parcel to send as well. Hopefully I can get them all ready and send them tomorrow.
Oh I do have a picture. But it's not of us. It's of my future dream home...
There it is! Can you just see me standing on the porch, barefoot and pregnant in an unflattering dress and apron yelling at my kids? ;)
I can totally see you on that porch! Beautiful house!
Hope you guys are all feeling better! Love the house!!!
I can totally see it too. Only there is so much yard space I doubt you would have to yell at your kids very much.
Jeffery burned himself pretty bad a few times. Once on a light at the hospital when he was only 10 months old and again on a candle holder when he was about 3. He tried to blow it out but his hand touched the holder and his fingers blistered really bad both times.
Praying for you all to be healed from burns and colds!! :)
oooh i can totally see it sirena!!!
haha! i love your last comment about the house! too funny! you create such a beautiful scene with your words!
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