Friday, November 30, 2007

New fabric

Well today I was browsing looking for a cute outfit for baby Buster. I have the necessities for him but I still wanted to just have something that was extra cute for his whole, coming home and first day a church milestones. I do have some cute things, but they've been worn by the others and while I really am fine with that, it's kinda nice for them to have one special thing of their own. So I did find a very sweet Kushies sleeper in Premie (which is kinda the same size of one of my newborns, premie is not all that premie anymore) at the medical center and I still really like it but for 21.00 I just couldn't do it. I'm way too cheap. So I thought before I commited to anything that I'd go browse fabricland to see what I could find. This was the first flannel that I laid eyes on and low and behold flannel is 50% off!!! Well I got three meters of it and two meters of the brown all for a little over 17 dollars. I can make a lot more with that than one sleeper!!! I also have a knit/ jersey type shirt that you can see in the top of the picture that is the perfect green that I got a paint splatter on so I'm going to use that to make some other things to go with the flannel. I am perdy excited. This is really the first time that I've gotten excited about sewing for this little guy!

I'm also in the process of attempting to bleach some little quilted pants from gap so that I can dye them brown. I know that quilted sounds weird, but they are super cute and if I can get them brown they would also be a perfect match with the fabric. Tomorrow I'm hoping to head into the clever cubs den to check out a sweater that I've been given a heads up on. Thanks Christy ;) I hope it's still there!


Christy said...

Love it!!

Darci said...

That is great fabric, I wish I had the time to create..

Jen Wilson said...

I love the fabric!