Well after much saving, and my husband chipping in the last bit as an early Christmas present, I ordered it today!
The bosch universal PLUS! It's the newest model from them and I'm SO SO SO excited!!! I even got to buy the grain mill attatchment!!! It's still not available for shipping yet. It should take a few more days for the supplier to get it. She didn't think it would be more than a few days and then 10 days shipping. So I'm really hoping that I'll be able to get it by the beginning of December. I hope I can avoid the majority of my christmas baking until then. YAY!
oh and did I mention...
Oh, that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. What a beaut. You are going to LUURRRVE it!!! Congratulations!
HAHA Gwen you're awesome! I'm very excited.. I never keep appliances on my counter, but this one will deffinately be gracing the space!
awsome sarena..
just wondering how you choose what you did.. as there are so many ..
i be getting one in the new year but i would like to see yours vers janes..
hehe whoot whoot good at yah.
how exciting!
Joni - I chose that one because it is the newest model of the bosch universal. It has an 800 watt engine instead of 700 and it has two more speeds. It also has an enclosed transmission and all of the testing that's been done so far has shown that it will last even longer than the older model. So that's why we chose that one.
I feel like a fool becasue I have never heard of these before! But I hope you get many wonderful uses out of it, like cookies...for me!
HAHA Christy. You aren't the only one that hasn't head about them. It's really okay. Soon you will know all about them and the marvel that they are!! HAHA Cookies are coming!
Sure! I'll buy one! How much? How do I get ahold of you? bukkweat@gmail.com Cool!
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