Thursday, November 15, 2007

Emma's new outfit.

Okay so I made Emma a new outfit tonight. I'm not totally happy with the shirt, but it is cute. I think that leaving the elastic looser would help. I'll have to try another one. I'm SO happy with the skirt and long for the day that I can make myself one without looking like a very obiese mermaid ;) In case you couldn't tell Emma really loved modeling!And one for the cute factor. Adon really wanted to be in the pictures too.. I did not make his pyjamas though.


Princess said...

awww that skirt is sooooo pretty! and so is the girl modeling wow she is getting big!!!
love the last pic of emma and adon!! ADORABLE

lovinit said...

your very talented! and i must say, you make cute babies!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jenna! How are the Benie Legs working for you? We'll have to have a visit one of these days!

Jenny said...

Your daughter is beautiful!!!